Monday, October 25, 2010

Ecological Niche of My Favorite Organism

The Gray Wolf (canis lupus)

         Gray wolves can survive in many biomes as long as food is plentiful and the climate is relatively cold. However, they are best suited to a northern conifer rain forest or tiaga biome. Their coats are made up of woolly fur to provide insulation from the cold and long guard hairs to keep out moisture. Their diet consists solely of meat. They are known to eat moose, caribou, and rodents when food is scarce.  The gray wolf is also the largest wild canine. They are around 3 feet tall at the shoulder and are about 3 to 5 feet in length from nose to tail. Due to poaching the number of wild gray wolves in America is dwindling. Though the gray wolf has been accused of posing a threat to humans, no humans have ever been killed by healthy wolves in North America.
       In Canada and Alaska, the gray wolf population is stable. In most of North America, however, they are an endangered species. In Europe, Asia, and Africa, the remaining wolf populations are tiny. The largest wolf population in Europe and Asia can be found in Russia.

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